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- A Weight Management Program That Works
Common Weight Loss Myths and Diet Fads I think we have all been personally victimized by either a revolutionary diet fad that promises to lose 10 lbs in 10 days, a supplement that guarantees a faster metabolism, a detox drink that rapidly slims your waist, or a medication that will quickly drop the pounds without any exercise or diet changes. In this blog post, we'll talk about sustainable weight loss options and long-term weight loss solutions. Let's review some of the classic fad diets we've all tried: Cabbage soup diet. Oh ya, I tried this one. Talk about bloating! Phen-Phen. The drug that offers weight loss with a side of heart attack. HCG. Fast and furious, but no one can maintain it Apple Cider Vinegar. Did this really work for anyone? Keto. Great success stories, but again, very difficult to maintain long term. And not good for your cholesterol levels Atkins Diet. Another good round of success stories but yet again, difficult to maintain long term. We eagerly try out these diet fads wondering if this will do the trick. Will this finally be the answer to getting back into my favorite pair of jeans? You know, that pair in the back of the closet that you refuse to get rid of because someday you will be able to be skinny enough to slide them back on. You’re holding onto them because they inspire you to lose the weight. But you just haven’t figured out how. At Horizon Med Spa and Wellness , we rarely encounter a patient that doesn't know how to lose some weight. It is losing enough weight and keeping the weight off that is the problem. On our intake form we always ask the patient: Have they lost weight before? How did they do it? How long were they able to keep it off? There are a number of things contributing to this problem of keeping the weight off, but the main problem is these weight loss solutions aren't sustainable. Why Most Weight Loss Strategies Fail Tell me if this sounds familiar. You make an appointment with your PCP to discuss your inability to lose weight. You tell them you’re always tired and your busy schedule just doesn’t allow you the time to go to the gym or invest much time into prepping healthy meals.. but you do your best by going on a walk more days out of the week than not and swap out some unhealthy food choices for better ones. You are certain something is off and are hopeful they will order labs that will explain why you are so tired and keep gaining weight, especially your midsection. It has got to be your thyroid…or hormones? Something is wrong. You may also be hopeful that they will be able to find a reason why you feel and look this way and more importantly, are willing to prescribe you a solution. Your PCP orders some labs but is reluctant to check your hormones because “if you’re a woman and still having cycles, they fluctuate too much to tell us anything useful”. They explain that it really all comes down diet and exercise and there is no magic pill or remedy that has long term success. They recommend eating more lean protein, lower your carbs and fat intake, minimize sugar and get regular exercise. If you do this right and stay consistent they promise the weight will come off. I’ve made this speech to patients many times and I’m surprised I didn’t get punched in the face by some of them. It’s very defeating to put a fair amount of effort into improving your diet and exercise, to ask for help, and then be told you are just not doing it good enough. Sometimes I agreed to check hormones but they always came back in the “normal” range so I would gloss over those results and return to my depressing speech on diet and exercise. The look of disappointment and frustration was something that inspired me to look a little deeper into this problem. The Role of Hormones in Weight Loss It turns out hormones play a massive role in sustainable weight loss solutions . After digging deeper, here’s what I found. Medical Professionals Aren't Taught to Check Hormones I feel terrible that all those years I was denying patients a chance to feel so much better, but I simply just didn’t know any better. In school, we were never really taught about hormones and the critical role they play in metabolism, energy, sleep, mood, and overall health. There was a brief overview of them, but it is truly a specialty area that requires additional training outside of our standard curriculum. So, I certainly wouldn’t blame your PCP or be frustrated with them for not having an in-depth understanding of hormones, in most cases they simply were not well educated on it. "Normal" and "Optimal" Are Not The Same Thing Normal reference ranges on a lab report are telling us what is a normal finding for someone of your age and gender… which is generally very low. Optimal is shooting for the best level, not what’s “normal”. Here’s an analogy: Let's say there is a job listing that says it pays $10 to $100 per hour. Do you want to settle for $10 per hour or shoot for $100 per hour? Silly question right? So even though $10 per hour might be “normal” we shouldn’t settle for that. We want the $100! With hormones and everything that supports hormone function, we are looking at hormone optimization for weight loss rather than accepting the lowest amount our body is giving us. Hormone Optimization Can Literally Change Your Life And when I’m talking about hormones, I’m not just talking about estrogen. Testosterone plays a particularly important role in metabolism, sleep, energy, mental clarity, and body composition. We also look at everything that comes before a hormone (called pre-hormone) and everything that supports healthy hormone function like your thyroid and vitamin D. You Don't Have to be in Menopause to Benefit From Hormone Optimization I think this is an all-too-common misconception that only those in or after menopause are candidates for hormone replacement therapy. Like I said, it’s more than just estrogen. Testosterone starts to decline in your 30s and progesterone can help with sleep and mood long before menopause starts. Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance The symptoms of hormone imbalance can vary widely. These symptoms may signal that you are a good candidate for hormone optimization. If you are experiencing the following symptoms, it may be time to schedule an appointment with a Hormone Replacement Specialist: Fatigue and Exhaustion Low Motivation Poor Exercise Efficiency Brain Fog or Poor Memory Depressed or Anxious Mood Irritability Low Libido Difficulty Focusing or Finishing Tasks Night Sweats or Hot Flashes Difficulty Sleeping Through The Night Changes in Skin Quality Vaginal Dryness Erectile Dysfunction For an extensive list of hormone imbalance symptoms for women and hormone imbalance symptoms for men, click here . How GLP-1 Medications Can Help Common GLP-1 medications include Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro, Semaglutide, and Tirzepatide. GLP-1 has taken the nation by storm with a mix of good and bad reports which can be very confusing. I myself am a huge advocate for this drug class and I have been using it effectively for weight loss long before it was even approved for it. If it is applied correctly, it can completely change someone’s life. Negative outcomes are usually due to misuse of the medication and/or lack of supervision from a qualified healthcare provider. Here are a list of some important takeaways for this amazing medicine: GLP-1 Helps With Weight Loss by Slowing Gastric Emptying GLP-1s can be an effective long-term weight loss solution. This means it takes longer for food to leave the stomach and go to the intestine. The result of this is you feel full faster AND longer. It will completely change your relationship with food. The “food noise” stops and you can focus on making better choices. Cravings are significantly less and your appetite for alcohol also reduces significantly. It is a Tool, But Not a Sole Solution One of the most common questions I get is “What happens when I stop the medication? Will I gain it all back?” It all depends on how you apply this tool. Here is an example. Let's say you decided to run every day to lose weight and that is the only thing you changed in your routine. You ran every day for a few months and lost the weight you wanted to. Then, you stop running. Would you gain the weight back? Likely yes, because you made one change and then returned to what wasn’t working for you. If you just take a medication that reduces your appetite and rely on that one change to reach your goal, it is unreasonable to assume that you’ll have long term success off the medication if you changed nothing else. If you utilize this medication as a tool to make the necessary changes in your diet, it’s not much different than hiring a personal trainer or signing up for a weight loss meal plan. You still have to do the work, but this tool helps you accomplish the goal more efficiently. If you look at it that way, you will be successful long term. GLP-1s have the greatest long term success rate out of all medications used for weight loss, so it’s a great option if utilized correctly. GLP-1 Can Be Used for Long-Term Weight Management GLP-1s were originally designed to be used long-term and are safe to use as a long-term weight management solution. Like I said previously, maintaining weight loss long-term is usually the tricky part. Many of my patients reach their goal and then we put them on a maintenance plan if they chose to. We lower the dose and spread out the intervals between injections and there is a significant amount of success with this. GLP-1’s have a number of additional health benefits outside of weight loss and I actually advocate that everyone* should take a small dose every two weeks to reap the benefits of that. *Everyone except those that have a contraindication, of course! GLP-1s are Anti-Inflammatory GLP-1s were originally indicated and approved for lowering A1C in diabetics. This works by preventing a patient’s blood sugar from getting too high. Elevated blood glucose causes inflammation in our body, so use of this medication in all patients, including those that do not have diabetes, reduces inflammation. I have a number of patients who use this medication solely for the anti-inflammatory effects. GLP-1s Protect Your Heart GLP-1s now have an official FDA approval for lowering risk of cardiovascular disease in patients with diabetes. This study was only conducted on diabetics, but we know that this also benefits patients who are not diabetic. Chronic inflammation causes atherosclerosis which is what causes heart attacks and stroke. Since GLP-1 mediations are anti-inflammatory, it provides this protective heart benefit to all patients GLP-1s Are Not For Everyone It would be unreasonable to assume that this medication is perfect and appropriate for everyone. Data shows that 10%-13% of the population will just not respond to the medication at all. 15%-20% have some, but not significant weight loss. Some patients may not tolerate the medication due to side effects, or they have a medical condition that makes it a contraindication for them. In the media, I have seen some people (including celebrities) speak negatively about the medication because of their personal experience with it but we have to remember that like all medications, it is not appropriate for everyone. Sustainable Weight Management In my professional experience, I have found that the best way to lose weight and keep it off long term is a combination of optimizing hormones and use of GLP-1 medications . One or the other will provide some benefit and success, but the combination of the two has proven to have better long term success of not only weight loss, but feeling better overall. If you’d like to pursue this, find a reputable office with experienced providers . Look for patient testimonies and ask lots of questions about their process. The more closely a patient is monitored, the greater their success and its safer, so look for an office that offers this level of care for their patients. At Horizon Med Spa and Wellness, we are committed to helping you become the best version of yourself because we know confidence radiates into all areas of your life. Reach out to us to pursue a sustainable weight management solution that can change your life! Medical Weight Loss Before and After Check out these photos of our clients' before and after medical weight loss transformations! Kimberly Losik, a board certified nurse practitioner, is the Founder, Owner and Medical Director of Horizon Med Spa and Wellness . Kimberly has earned multiple degrees including a bachelors in Kinesiology, a bachelors in Nursing, as well as a Masters in Nursing. For over a decade, she has earned experience in Orthopedics, Geriatrics, Internal medicine, Medical weight loss, aesthetics and anti-aging medicine. Her passion to help patients look and feel like the best version of themselves was the foundation of Horizon, which began in early 2020. Since then, she has attended numerous trainings, conferences and seminars to continue to offer patients the best solutions and aesthetic and antiaging medicine. Additionally, she is a clinical trainer for the company Inmode, an internationally recognized leader in the aesthetic industry.
- Effective Anti-Aging Treatments By Age
Are you ever curious on how to prevent aging in the long run? I think as time has gone on we know a lot more about what we can do to be proactive in the process of aging. When I was in school one of the biggest things I learned was that 80% of aging comes from an extrinsic factor. Only a small portion of aging comes from genetics. That is why it is so important to start anti-aging treatments at a young age. Read on to learn what you should do at different age ranges to prevent aging or how you can set your children, parents, or anyone else you know up for success. Anti-Aging for 6 Months to 12 Years Old Anti-Aging for 12 Years to 20 Years Old Anti-Aging for 20 Years to 30 Years Old Anti-Aging for 30 Years to 40 Years Old Anti-Aging for 40 Years to 60 Years Old Anti-Aging for 60 Years + Anti-Aging for 6 Months to 12 Years Old This may seem silly to include, but childhood is the perfect time to set someone you love up for success and teach them how to care for their skin and body at a young age. Anti-aging treatments start with the daily habit of using a physical sunscreen (zinc oxide or titanium dioxide based products like this one ), and reapply often. This will prevent future skin damage and sunspots from coming up to the surface. A reminder, no matter what ethnicity you are, you can still get damaged skin! Anti-Aging for 12 Years to 20 Years Old At this age most adolescents are starting to notice their skin is becoming more oily with hormonal shifts and changes. During this time people notice blemishes, clogged pores, and skin imperfections. We often see young adults in the office for teen facials, hydrafacials, and product consultations. We assess the skin and start to incorporate additional ingredients like salicylic acid, retinol like Skinbetter AlphaRet (when age appropriate), and other products that will benefit your skin’s needs and help prevent aging. Anti-Aging for 20 Years to 30 Years Old This is often the age range that we start to notice changes in our skin. As we enter our 20s, the three most important skincare products everyone should begin using are vitamin C, retinoid, and sunscreen. Sunscreen will prevent damaging rays, Vitamin C will prevent free radical damage, and retinoids stimulate cell turnover helping with dead skin build up, texture, pore size, acne, and additional signs of aging. As for anti-aging treatments in the office, that depends on the person, but here are a few things we incorporate in your treatment plan. A Hydrafacial can help with anti-aging by helping maintain healthy, glowing skin! To treat static lines, we can start incorporating neurotoxin treatments . This will prevent those lines from becoming deeper and being harder to get rid of in the long run. Filler can be used for facial balancing or a little lip enhancement when desired. Patients will maintain healthy glowing skin with HydraFacials , and other skin treatments like microneedling or peels . Microneedling helps stimulate collagen and work as a preventative agent for additional signs of aging. This will help the appearance of texture, pore size, fine lines. Chemical peels can be used to target acne prone skin, discoloration, cell turnover and more! Always consult with a provider and we can talk about your goals and set up a plan. Anti-Aging for 30 Years to 40 Years Old As we enter our thirties and focus on anti-aging treatments, we may begin to talk more about enhancing your routine at home. This could be as simple as changing your strength of retinol or switching eye cream. You may need to increase the amount of Botox you are getting or add in a new area to treat. Facial balancing may help signs of flattening or subtle loss of volume to cheeks. This will give the face a more youthful and symmetrical appearance. During this time you may begin to notice sun damage from younger years come into play. This can be treated with IPL . There are additional treatment options like Sculptra . You can continue all of your preventative treatments in the office and chat with your provider about what the future looks like. Anti-Aging for 40 Years to 60 Years Old During this time, we are losing collagen each year. We are noticing more and more changes in the skin which can all be corrected with the help of your aesthetic and wellness providers . This is also a good time to start talking to a nurse practitioner about hormone replacement therapy and other wellness treatments that can help with anti-aging from the inside out. This will not only optimize the way you feel internally but will benefit the skin externally too! We may begin to talk about more corrective treatments for skin laxity like Morpheus 8 , Sculptra , filler , and more. We will also add things like growth factors, collagen stimulators, neck treatments, and more to your home routine. Your team will help build the best anti-aging treatment plan for you, while also incorporating everything you have been doing! Anti-Aging for 60 Years + Our goal is to help you feel good on the inside and look good on the outside. It is so incredibly important to focus on your health and lifestyle during these years. Living an active, healthy lifestyle will tremendously help your skin bounce back. We will continue to focus on anti-aging treatments in the office. Anti-aging treatments may include injectables like Sculptra , filler , Morpheus 8 , HydraFacials , chemical peels , lasers , Hormone Replacement Therapy , and medical grade skincare. Not sure where to start? Schedule an anti-aging consultation with us and together we will help set up a plan to refresh the best version of you!
- How IPL Treatments Rejuvenate The Skin
Every person has a different opinion on what they want to look like as they age. Although, most people want healthy, glowy skin and a clear complexion. As we start to age, most of our sun damage from our 20’s is starting to pop up in our 40’s, and it just keeps adding up on our skin as we get older. Most of the time our cute freckles we had when we were younger, start to look like sun spots. You may start to notice flushing when you have a glass of wine, or notice broken blood vessels around our cheeks and nose. For those seeking a solution to these common concerns, IPL treatments are a game-changer. If you're considering IPL therapy in Kansas City , here's everything you need to know about how it works, its benefits, and whether it might be the right treatment for you. What is IPL? IPL can treat redness, rosacea, brown spots, scarring, and more. IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light. This technology has been around for decades and has been used to treat many things. It is most commonly used for treating redness, broken capillaries, brown spots, and imperfections in the skin. The IPL device emits light with each pulse that targets melanin and “color” in the skin. So when we have reds and browns, the light is going to find that color and correct it while simultaneously stimulating new collagen! Whenever I am in a consultation with a patient I like to use this analogy. I want you to think of a 15 year old boys room. In order to clean it you have to pick up all of the clutter, trash, and dirty clothes, before you can vacuum and wipe the baseboards. IPL therapy works the same way. I look at IPL treatments as picking up the clutter off of the skin. You are clearing out decades worth of damage, leaving the skin with a clear and refreshed complexion. For anyone in Kansas City seeking to minimize the effects of aging and sun damage, IPL treatment is an excellent non-invasive option for anti-aging and overall skin renewal. What to expect during and after an IPL treatment? When you arrive for IPL therapy we will go over any questions you have. You will hop on a nice cozy bed, where I will cleanse the skin and prep it for the treatment with ultrasound gel. The ultrasound gel works as a nice buffer between your skin and the handpiece! We will start the treatment with a test spot. This ensures it is a tolerable and proper setting to achieve the result that you are looking for. I will place goggles over your eyes and we will cruise through the treatment! People often say the treatment feels like a flash of heat, with a bright flashy light. After we complete the treatment it will feel “prickly” or tingly like a sunburn for 30 minutes to an hour. You will notice the pigment is red and more pronounced. It will continue to look more pronounced as the day goes on. The areas that look more “pronounced” are your pigmented skin cells starting to come up to the surface. In the following 5-7 days after your treatment you will begin to notice peppering on the surface of the skin. Peppering is a word I like to use for those skin cells starting to slough off. It seriously looks like little tiny coffee grounds on the skin. During this time you are okay to apply makeup to cover up the appearance of the spots. They fall off on their own and underneath is fresh, even skin in less than a week! How Often Should You Get IPL Treatments? Typical IPL treamtents are done generally in a series of 3 treatments, spaced 4 weeks apart. Your skin has a cell turnover cycle rate of give or take, 28 days. That means, every 28 days your skin will go through an entire cycle of new skin cells resulting in dead skin sloughing off and new fresh skin cells. This is why we space most treatments in aesthetics out every 4 weeks. I also like to mention, it can take up to a couple weeks after a treatment to see your full result of the treatment. After you complete a series of 3 treatments I generally put you in maintenance mode. I like to do 1-2 treatments a year to keep up with your results from the series. For patients with redness and rosacea, I sometimes see them more frequently like once a quarter to keep up with the general redness in the skin. This is something we can determine together! If you're located in Kansas City and looking for a reliable IPL therapy provider , we’re here to guide you through the process and tailor treatments to your skin. Am I a candidate for IPL treatment? Good candidates for IPL are individuals concerned with the following: - Sunspots - Age Spots - Facial Redness - Rosacea - Broken Capillaries (Blood Vessels) - Acne Discoloration - Scarring The best candidates are those who have untanned skin, and realistic expectations for their results. This treatment is not for people with tanned or darker skin tones, as the device looks for melanin in the skin and can remove melanin that we want to keep (such as your base skin tone). If you are not a candidate for IPL therapy, we have many other options to tackle your skin concerns such as microneedling, chemical peels, and medical grade products. This is a non-invasive procedure, and a great approach to skin rejuvenation with very little downtime. IPL Treatment Before & After Photos Why Choose IPL Therapy in Kansas City? If you're searching for a trusted provider of IPL treatments in Kansas City , we specialize in helping patients achieve radiant, youthful skin. With years of experience and a personalized approach to skincare, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional results. Whether you’re addressing sun damage, redness, or other anti-aging concerns, IPL therapy can help you achieve the clear, glowing complexion you’ve always wanted. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn how IPL treatments can transform your skin!